Football / Futsal

Soccer field protections

For over 45 years we have been studying, designing and installing the best protections for securing soccer and soccer fields.

In a dynamic sector such as soccer, we recommend the use of Onda and Maxionda shock-absorbing panels, materials with very high shock absorption capacity, certified according to UNI EN 913 App.C. Their special “wave” section gives the material the ability to cushion even the most violent shocks, distributing power both vertically and diagonally.

Onda and Maxionda can be used as impact protection for poles and columns, walls and walls, bleachers, sprinklers, soccer goals and athletes’ benches. Both products feature high flexibility and weather and UV resistance.

Our team of technicians and installers is available to instruct construction companies and sports clubs for independent installation of the material or if required, performs installations throughout Italy, issuing upon completion the “declaration of correct installation” as an additional guarantee.

Drop height: 450 mm
Impact velocity: 2.97 m/sec
Data Sheet “

Drop height: 320 mm
Impact velocity: 2.50 m/sec
Data Sheet “


Sports protections – Coverciano Special

sprinkler guards

Sprinkler guards

Sports billboards, billboards for sports facilities

Tobia billboards

anti-trauma wall protectors

Wall protections