Shockproof protections columns sports facilities

Shockproof protections columns sports facilities

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ADAPTED TO: Athletics, Basketball / Volleyball, Column and post protectors, Futsal, Gyms / Sports Arena, Safety paddings, Safety pads for sport venues

Impact-proof column protectors

Maxionda provides the best protection for columns of all shapes and sizes, in sports. Due to its great versatility, Maxionda can adapt to any type of support, making installation quick and easy. Ideal for indoor and outdoor application, it can be supplied in non-toxic or fire retardant versions, in whole panels (90x200cm) or cut to size.

Maxionda is tested according to UNI EN 913:2009 appendix C for shock absorption capacity. Despite the reduced thickness of 28mm, it even performs better than foam protectors with much higher thickness and consequently much bulkier.

A cheaper but equally high-performance alternative is our Onda, protection similar to Maxionda but with thickness reduced to 22mm.

Prodotto:Onda (spessore 22mm), Maxionda (spessore 28mm)
Colori standard:Bianco, giallo, arancione, rosso, verde, blu, azzurro, grigio, nero
Versioni disponibili:Atossica (per esterno), ignifuga Cl.1 (per interno)

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